Recommendation Letters

Content on this page adapted from Jo Hardin at Pomona College.

Would you like a letter of recommendation?

I would almost surely be happy to write you a letter. Please help me do a good job: the more information you can provide me, the better my letter will be. Sending the same information to your other letter writers will make their letters better too. You don’t need to send me long answers to each of the questions below, but the more information you can give (particularly with specifics that I can use in a letter), the better.

Who sends the letter to the organization?

Except in rare situations, I will submit the letter directly to the organization.

Send to me:

If I have agreed to write a recommendation from you, please provide me with as much of the following as possible:

At least two weeks before the first letter is due, e-mail me with your answers to the following questions (the more details the better):

Please send me e-mail reminder(s) as deadlines approach, and feel free to chat with me about other ways you can make the letter writing process go as smoothly as possible for you and your letter writers. Good luck!