If multiple imputation was used due to the presence of missing data, pool SPVIM estimates from individual imputed datasets using Rubin's rules. Results in point estimates averaged over the imputations, along with within-imputation variance estimates and across-imputation variance estimates; and test statistics and p-values for hypothesis testing.

pool_spvims(spvim_ests = NULL)



a list of estimated SPVIMs (of class vim)


a list of results containing the following:

  • est, the average SPVIM estimate over the multiply-imputed datasets

  • se, the average of the within-imputation SPVIM variance estimates

  • test_statistics, the test statistics for hypothesis tests of zero importance, using the Rubin's rules standard error estimator and average SPVIM estimate

  • p_values, p-values computed using the above test statistics

  • tau_n, the across-imputation variance estimates

  • vcov, the overall variance-covariance matrix


# \donttest{
# do multiple imputation (with a small number for illustration only)
n_imp <- 2
mi_biomarkers <- mice::mice(data = biomarkers, m = n_imp, printFlag = FALSE)
imputed_biomarkers <- mice::complete(mi_biomarkers, action = "long") %>%
  rename(imp = .imp, id = .id)
# estimate SPVIMs for each imputed dataset, using simple library for illustration only
est_lst <- lapply(as.list(1:n_imp), function(l) {
  this_x <- imputed_biomarkers %>%
    filter(imp == l) %>%
    select(starts_with("lab"), starts_with("cea"))
  this_y <- biomarkers$mucinous
    vimp::sp_vim(Y = this_y, X = this_x, V = 2, type = "auc", 
                 SL.library = "SL.glm", gamma = 0.1, alpha = 0.05, delta = 0,
                 cvControl = list(V = 2), env = environment())
# pool the SPVIMs using Rubin's rules
pooled_spvims <- pool_spvims(spvim_ests = est_lst)
#> $est
#>  [1] 0.0203970509 0.0000000000 0.0042748918 0.0133759470 0.0198035038
#>  [6] 0.0017647059 0.0013764881 0.0462493236 0.0023741883 0.0229903154
#> [11] 0.0000000000 0.0338557923 0.0000000000 0.0490056818 0.0146788715
#> [16] 0.0005580357 0.0000000000 0.0000000000 0.0371533613 0.0000000000
#> [21] 0.0000000000
#> $se
#>  [1] 0.11353566 0.08940490 0.08749575 0.11328079 0.11465702 0.09379665
#>  [7] 0.11285666 0.11450994 0.09971893 0.09504155 0.09308949 0.11771338
#> [13] 0.09396874 0.10031829 0.09303687 0.08924080 0.09396874 0.09792115
#> [19] 0.10363918 0.09208330 0.09396874
#> $test_statistics
#>  [1]  1.383681e-01 -1.333979e-15  3.455815e-02  9.238865e-02  1.337755e-01
#>  [6]  1.378052e-02  9.652968e-03  2.808346e-01  1.792033e-02  1.753326e-01
#> [11] -1.306100e-15  2.146093e-01 -1.299543e-15  3.108098e-01  1.129345e-01
#> [16]  4.474095e-03 -1.299543e-15 -1.270535e-15  2.478329e-01 -1.313650e-15
#> [21] -1.299543e-15
#> $p_values
#>  [1] 0.4449748 0.5000000 0.4862160 0.4631946 0.4467901 0.4945025 0.4961491
#>  [8] 0.3894186 0.4928512 0.4304092 0.5000000 0.4150360 0.5000000 0.3779726
#> [15] 0.4550412 0.4982151 0.5000000 0.5000000 0.4021319 0.5000000 0.5000000
#> $tau_n
#>  [1] 8.320794e-04 0.000000e+00 3.654940e-05 3.578319e-04 7.843575e-04
#>  [6] 6.228374e-06 3.789439e-06 4.278000e-03 1.127354e-05 3.792748e-04
#> [11] 0.000000e+00 2.292429e-03 0.000000e+00 4.803114e-03 4.309385e-04
#> [16] 6.228077e-07 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 2.760745e-03 0.000000e+00
#> [21] 0.000000e+00
#> $vcov
#>               [,1]         [,2]        [,3]        [,4]       [,5]        [,6]
#>  [1,] 122.45122120  -0.69865615  0.22274749  -1.6440215  88.089968 -44.0993930
#>  [2,]  -0.69990427   9.43656299  0.05378035 -26.5393849   7.977399   0.2017249
#>  [3,]   0.22155420   0.05383518  1.47957063  -0.4703462  -0.335811   0.5154016
#>  [4,]  -1.64473291 -26.53884811 -0.46986425 123.2893327 -26.030022   0.8487708
#>  [5,]  88.08989685   7.97857546 -0.33468930 -26.0293825 128.492542 -43.9094308
#>  [6,] -44.10063179   0.20173425  0.51535614   0.8482434 -43.910598  27.8783319
#>  [7,]  -1.14589115 -26.60957244 -0.31694276  92.0584174 -27.983490  -0.2702137
#>  [8,]  86.08500229   8.39381328 -0.81754064 -27.0495483  96.596419 -55.1586225
#>  [9,]  44.61541795   8.45043253 -0.13394914 -25.9076107  57.997966 -21.7168277
#> [10,]   0.54310755  -9.89316539  0.29333637  25.0385916 -10.371483   0.2514027
#> [11,]  24.22918567  -0.13938769 -0.30797359  -0.3100409  21.000945 -11.5885333
#> [12,] -43.95890542 -29.49199410  1.03587664  88.7512764 -73.604326  26.7446246
#> [13,] -43.44558318   8.82167944 -0.20140282 -27.1604607 -34.299299  18.8353410
#> [14,]  41.54027721   8.68912779 -0.02305108 -27.5496573  54.369759 -21.2146523
#> [15,] -43.10154957  -0.11598532 -0.23917004  -1.9856039 -43.236964  18.7425146
#> [16,]   0.05096021   8.69556220  0.08667839 -26.6984639   8.588406   0.2459798
#> [17,] -43.44558318   8.82167944 -0.20140282 -27.1604607 -34.299299  18.8353410
#> [18,]  33.56196791   7.87069579 -0.47960159 -24.3642684  45.613744 -18.0595366
#> [19,] -43.19878209 -17.82771011  0.51863270  41.8566185 -60.948689  17.9125249
#> [20,] -43.07043543   0.01856178 -0.01666683  -0.2916259 -43.102417  18.8396273
#> [21,] -43.44558318   8.82167944 -0.20140282 -27.1604607 -34.299299  18.8353410
#>              [,7]        [,8]        [,9]       [,10]       [,11]      [,12]
#>  [1,]  -1.1446487  86.0798334  44.6166492   0.5437868  24.2304338 -43.961096
#>  [2,] -26.6095781   8.3873963   8.4504156  -9.8937343  -0.1393877 -29.495433
#>  [3,]  -0.3168936  -0.8239028  -0.1339112   0.2928223  -0.3079188   1.032493
#>  [4,]  92.0589485 -27.0554286 -25.9070909  25.0385594  -0.3095041  88.748374
#>  [5,] -27.9823191  96.5911783  57.9991255 -10.3708754  21.0021214 -73.606588
#>  [6,]  -0.2702100 -55.1650301 -21.7168353   0.2508431 -11.5885240  26.741195
#>  [7,] 121.0578289 -28.3022074 -27.9189282  18.6068096  -0.2479214  86.580060
#>  [8,] -28.2957961 127.7190469  51.0852265 -10.3434353  25.6247531 -84.855780
#>  [9,] -27.9189170  51.0788264  54.5039305 -10.6239217   9.5624014 -51.413985
#> [10,]  18.6073728 -10.3492834 -10.6233697  33.9270345   0.4976432  32.882674
#> [11,]  -0.2479271  25.6183361   9.5623845   0.4970743  24.8426743 -11.858707
#> [12,]  86.5834934 -84.8587585 -51.4105637  32.8855436 -11.8552686 146.918502
#> [13,] -26.6310476 -28.8755285 -13.3786588  -9.9862742 -12.9135248 -10.861817
#> [14,] -28.4845561  50.9766488  28.3979052 -10.0509368  13.8842613 -50.911810
#> [15,]  -1.3067139 -37.8131933 -22.3163235   0.4963454 -12.6216186  19.483417
#> [16,] -26.7756487   8.1460710   8.6174685 -10.0943311  -0.4938400 -29.451178
#> [17,] -26.6310476 -28.8755285 -13.3786588  -9.9862742 -12.9135248 -10.861817
#> [18,] -25.9502546  42.5553219  22.4450086 -10.5967205   7.3405483 -47.756694
#> [19,]  42.8927146 -55.5249181 -40.0280483  22.6031314 -12.8279577  90.096990
#> [20,]  -0.1833733 -37.6786462 -22.1817764   0.4885166 -12.7019269  19.037714
#> [21,] -26.6310476 -28.8755285 -13.3786588  -9.9862742 -12.9135248 -10.861817
#>            [,13]        [,14]       [,15]        [,16]      [,17]       [,18]
#>  [1,] -43.444335  41.53432066 -43.1009479   0.05220739 -43.444335  33.5632160
#>  [2,]   8.821679   8.68192311  -0.1166317   8.69556127   8.821679   7.8706958
#>  [3,]  -0.201348  -0.03020093  -0.2397616   0.08673228  -0.201348  -0.4795468
#>  [4,] -27.159924 -27.55632522  -1.9857135 -26.69792809 -27.159924 -24.3637317
#>  [5,] -34.298123  54.36373132 -43.2364339   8.58958185 -34.298123  45.6149209
#>  [6,]  18.835350 -21.22184762  18.7418775   0.24598825  18.835350 -18.0595273
#>  [7,] -26.631042 -28.49175506  -1.3073546 -26.77564393 -26.631042 -25.9502489
#>  [8,] -28.869112  50.97586109 -37.8074227   8.15248710 -28.869112  42.5617389
#>  [9,] -13.378642  28.39071743 -22.3169530   8.61748450 -13.378642  22.4450255
#> [10,]  -9.985705 -10.05757255   0.4962680 -10.09376312  -9.985705 -10.5961516
#> [11,] -12.913525  13.87705663 -12.6222650  -0.49384091 -12.913525   7.3405483
#> [12,] -10.858378 -50.91557598  19.4862090 -29.44774010 -10.858378 -47.7532557
#> [13,]  28.772013 -13.80894625  19.8337023   8.64100807  28.772013  -8.5868626
#> [14,] -13.801742  57.28116357 -22.7400527   8.60987560 -13.801742  23.5830576
#> [15,]  19.834349 -22.74661101  24.6916095  -0.29665669  19.834349 -17.5245274
#> [16,]   8.641009   8.60267186  -0.2973022   8.75925193   8.641009   8.4934295
#> [17,]  28.772013 -13.80894625  19.8337023   8.64100807  28.772013  -8.5868626
#> [18,]  -8.586863  23.57585289 -17.5251738   8.49342859  -8.586863  46.2947595
#> [19,]   2.122624 -40.45833580  21.2038367 -18.00838148   2.122624 -35.2362522
#> [20,]  19.968896 -22.61206392  20.4096621  -0.16210959  19.968896 -17.3899803
#> [21,]  28.772013 -13.80894625  19.8337023   8.64100807  28.772013  -8.5868626
#>             [,19]        [,20]      [,21]
#>  [1,] -43.2016751 -43.06918731 -43.444335
#>  [2,] -17.8318512   0.01856178   8.821679
#>  [3,]   0.5145464  -0.01661201  -0.201348
#>  [4,]  41.8530141  -0.29108913 -27.159924
#>  [5,] -60.9516534 -43.10124041 -34.298123
#>  [6,]  17.9083931  18.83963663  18.835350
#>  [7,]  42.8885791  -0.18336763 -26.631042
#>  [8,] -55.5226422 -37.67222918 -28.869112
#>  [9,] -40.0321725 -22.18175953 -13.378642
#> [10,]  22.5995592   0.48908548  -9.985705
#> [11,] -12.8320989 -12.70192691 -12.913525
#> [12,]  90.0962876  19.04115223 -10.858378
#> [13,]   2.1184828  19.96889583  28.772013
#> [14,] -40.4552722 -22.60485925 -13.801742
#> [15,]  21.2003420  20.41030850  19.834349
#> [16,] -18.0125217  -0.16210866   8.641009
#> [17,]   2.1184828  19.96889583  28.772013
#> [18,] -35.2403933 -17.38998030  -8.586863
#> [19,]  73.7476236  20.46703201   2.122624
#> [20,]  20.4628909  20.51643939  19.968896
#> [21,]   2.1184828  19.96889583  28.772013
# }